Collection of Turgay Sagdic / PETITE SUPER INTERNATIONAL

Collection of Turgay Sagdic / PETITE SUPER INTERNATIONAL

PETIT SUPER INTERNATIONAL is a toy typewriter from Turgay Sagdic’s collection, the founder of Yetkin Patent & Consultancy, European Patent Attorney, Certified Public Accountant

Creator: Byron Jardine Limited, ca.1960 in England
There was a time when toy typewriters made poets, philosophers, and great novelists of youngsters twith nimble fingers. The toy version of the this writing device appeared in toy stores shortly after adult typewriters became commonplace in the late 19th century. The toy typewriter, like the grown-up version it imitates, seems quaint these days, having relinguished the desk top to the personal computer, the tablet, or the mobile phone.
Mr.Sagdic bought this nice piece from Ayranci Antique Market, Ankara.

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