INTA 2021

INTA is a global association of IP professionals and brand owners with a focus on trust, economic growth and innovation on trademarks and related intellectual property (IP), working to foster effective laws and policies worldwide on trademark and related rights and to harmonize the implementation of those rights. One of these activities of INTA is the INTA Annual Meetings, a reflection of the global knowledge and expertise, and these meetings offer unique networking possibilities to IP professionals and brand owners.

As Yetkin Patent & Consultancy, we, as Yetkin Patent & Consultancy, participated in the INTA 2021 Annual Meeting Virtual+ to come together with IP professionals and brand owners at INTA annual meetings, the largest gathering in the trademark field, and we will represent both our office and the Turkish Trademark practice in terms of trademark-specific and IP rights related status and potential.

INTA 2021 Annual Meeting Virtual+ has three main headings: Training, Business Development and Committee Meetings. With the virtual INTA meeting in 2021, a model was adopted in educational programming that allows IP professionals and brand owners to design their own learning experience, including include featured educational sessions, Capsule Keynotes, workshops, Idea Exchanges, by taking steps through the virtual system.

The titles and dates of these programs are as follows:

Building a Better Society Through Brands—Monday, November 15

With this training program, professionals in practice, as part of their brand strategies and counseling, should keep up with the changing times and address how consumer trust is affected by what a brand says and does, and strive for diversity, equality, inclusion, and the importance and benefit of doing good in society.

The Business of Brands—Tuesday, November 16

Brands does not exist solely, but in an ecosystem ranging from design to marketing; the importance of understanding the needs and challenges of all actors of this existence, from large to small, new or established, will be emphasized for brand legal practitioners.

In practice, brand professionals not only have legal and domain knowledge, but also protect industrial property, commercialize trademark rights, effectively use the trademark in traditional and non-traditional media, etc. They also need to have knowledge or familiarity with these subjects. Under the headings of innovation and keeping up with the times, training will take place within the scope of what it takes for brand professionals to be successful and the secrets of being a reliable consultant.

Enforcement and Anticounterfeiting—Wednesday, November 17

This training, which has become crucial for IP professionals, as the increase in online sales increases the need for the protection of trademark rights and the digitization of more effective fighting methods against counterfeiting, will provide information and encourage exchange of ideas on the difficulties in applying for the prevention of counterfeiting, the effectiveness of the legal remedies offered, and the role of the judiciary system.

Innovation and the Future of IP—Thursday, November 18

In the last two years, in the changing order created by a global pandemic and the proliferation of new technologies, adaptation difficulties and growing pains have occurred around the world, and many new questions and problems await IP professionals with the reflections of these issues specific to the trademarks. It is necessary to adapt quickly to the changing market and new technologies in production, marketing and sales, and this must be achieved in the presence of new ways of working, communication and interaction. With this training, discussions will take place on understanding how new changes affect IP professionals and businesses, the future state of the marketplace and the role of IP, and the roles of IP practitioners and IP Offices, and a fresh perspective will be brought as innovation in trademark law.

Regional Updates—Friday, November 19

With this training, IP attorneys, lawyers and other practitioners aim to understand, the difference in the marketplace, the state of the trademark rights and complementary IP rights, market differences and law and practice situations in each environment in order to make it more effective for brand owners in different regions to realize and understand the problems they face specific to that region.

At the same time, the Committee Meetings and the 35 Committees under the Advocacy, Communications and Resources Groups within INTA will celebrate and talk about the incredible strides they have made in 2020 and 2021 through virtual meetings alone.

For Business Development, many innovative Business Development opportunities await IP Professionals and Brand Owners before, during and after the meetings from 15 to 19 November 2021, with IP professionals aiming to develop their global networks.

We, as Yetkin Patent and Consultancy, will participate in the largest trademark gathering of the year in order to improve our field knowledge, get information on new developments and exchange ideas, and meet and connect with many brand professionals and business owners with INTA 2021 Annual Meeting Virtual+.

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